Edith was born the 7 of October in 1845 and died 14 April 1908. Edith grew up in Langham Essex, her father was William Pechey, and his
mother was Sarah Pechey. Edith was educated by her father and worked as a governess and a teacher before reaching out to join Sophia Jex-Blake’s efforts to influence Edinburgh medical school to teach women., After Edith came to Edinburgh,
she made it out with honours in 1869 but
the scholarship was given to a man with lesser scores than her. It was given to that man because apparently”that women were not part of the University class, because they are separately taught”.She tried to argue against this decision but it was rejected.
In 1873 she gave up her attempts to graduate and wrote to an irish colledge to take exams in midwifery. She worked at a hospital for some time, but went on to a university in Germany where she passed her exams just as the irish colledge allowed women to take their exams, She took the irish exams and passed with flying colours. During the next 6 years she practised medicine in leeds involving herself in womens health education.She died in 1908.